Guiding Philosophy

Four guiding principles underlie New College's approach to education:

  • Each student is responsible in the last analysis for his or her own education.
  • The best education demands a joint search for learning by exciting teachers and able students.
  • Student progress should be based on demonstrated competence and real mastery rather than on the accumulation of credits and grades.
  • Students should have from the outset opportunities to explore, in depth, areas of interest to them.

The greatest asset New College offers a student is serious dialogue with faculty and other students passionately committed to a better understanding of themselves and their world. At New College, research is undertaken by both faculty and students, not by faculty alone or by faculty with students as mere assistants. Faculty members have the freedom to teach what they think is appropriate for their students, while students are encouraged to initiate projects they believe will further their education. New College has renovated traditional academic structures so students and faculty can better listen and respond to each other across disciplines, across experiences, and across generations.

The pages that follow provide some of the specifics about New College, as it exists at this time. They answer questions about disciplines offered, facilities available, and educational costs. They cannot, however, capture the spirit of New College or the energy and aspirations that abound here.

Rather than prescribe one path for all students, New College requires students to exercise responsibility for active, individual planning through negotiation directly with the faculty contract sponsor. Area of Concentration guidelines are provided for each AOC.