
Students who withdraw are subject to the College’s policy on the refund of tuition and fees. Students whose registration has been canceled due to nonpayment, missing immunizations, or a lack of health insurance will be administratively withdrawn from the College if they have not cleared their accounts or complied with these requirements by the end of the fourth week of classes.

If withdrawing after the end of the semester, the official date of withdrawal will be the last day of classes of the most recent semester. If a student stops attending classes or officially withdraws during the semester, the last date of attendance will be whichever of the following is earliest:

  1. The earliest date recorded on your Withdrawal Request form received by the Office of the Registrar
  2. The date that you provided notification to the Office of the Registrar of your intent to withdraw
  3. The last date of academically-related activity that we document (if we determine that you stopped attending classes and tutorials prior to any of the dates above)

Financial aid and scholarship recipients, please note: If you withdraw, you may be responsible for repaying all or part of your aid. You may be liable for repaying a greater portion of your aid if you stop attending classes whether or not you officially withdraw afterward. In addition, if you hold a student loan, the start date of your repayment grace period may be backdated to the time you stop attending classes.

For more detail on the process of withdrawal, and the effects of withdrawal on financial aid and scholarships, see the sections on Withdrawal and Tuition Refunds, Withdrawal and Financial Aid/Return of Title IV Funds, and Withdrawal, Scholarships, and Financial Aid in this New College of Florida Graduate Program Catalog.

Students considering withdrawal should be aware of the following conditions:

  1. A student who has withdrawn may not use College facilities or services, with the exception of the Library. The student also may not support or participate in the social events on campus.
  2. A student who withdraws is subject to the College’s refund policy for tuition.
  3. A student who withdraws or who stops attending classes at any point in the semester, and who receives Federal Title IV, scholarships, or other financial aid funds, may have to repay all or a portion of those funds.
  4. A student who withdraws or who stops attending classes at any point in the semester, and who received remaining undergraduate Bright Futures funds, is required to repay the Bright Futures funds for that term in full.
  5. A student who wishes to return to New College after withdrawal should apply to the Graduate Student Academic Status Committee (SASC) for readmission.

Checklist for Departure From Campus

  1. Talk with faculty advisor about plans
  2. Meet with a Financial Aid counselor (to discuss possible future eligibility for aid, and whether return of Title IV or scholarship aid may be required)
  3. Check with the Finance and Accounting Office about account
  4. Schedule and complete mandatory exit interview with the Office of the Registrar (registrar@ncf.edu or 941-487-4465)
  5. Leave forwarding address with the Office of the Registrar, for update in NewCLEIS
  6. Notify campus employer, if you have been working on campus
  7. Return books to the library
  8. Inform professors of plans (the Office of the Registrar does this officially, but students who are withdrawing or taking a leave of absence should do it as a courtesy)