Health and Safety Requirements

Immunization Requirements for Enrollment

Each student planning to enroll is required to fill out and sign our Immunization Health History Form and provide with it documentation of immunity to the Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) prior to registration. (Students under the age of 40 are required to present documented proof of immunity to Rubella. All students born after 1956 must also submit proof of immunity to Measles.) The form also includes information concerning Meningococcal meningitis and Hepatitis B vaccines. Students may choose either to provide documentation of immunity or to waive one or both of these vaccines on the form [BOG 6.007]. If a student waives a vaccine it is with the understanding that should an outbreak of the disease occur on our campus they will be asked to leave our campus until the outbreak is over. Immunization documentation should be submitted as soon as possible to avoid denial or cancellation of registration [BOG 6.001(9)].

Mandatory Documentation

  • Medical History Form with proof of two MMR immunizations.
  • Medical Information Form.
  • Waiver for Treatment of Minors (if applicable).
  • Either proof of Hepatitis B immunization series and Meningitis immunizations or signed waiver form.

Recommended Documentation

  • Date of last Tetanus vaccination.
  • Copy of Health Insurance card.
  • Medical records pertaining to continued medical treatment you may need while on campus

Documentation must be submitted before a student is allowed to register for classes or attend classes. All immunization and medical documentation should be submitted to:

Student Health Services
Counseling & Wellness Center
5800 Bay Shore Road
Sarasota, FL 34243
Fax: (941) 487-4256