Students Called to Active Military Duty

A student called to involuntary active military service is entitled to withdraw from their courses as of the effective date of their orders with a full refund of tuition and fees paid. Payments received for future semesters are also refunded. Involuntary active military duty includes a call to active military duty, training for active duty, or full-time National Guard duty or Reserve activation. A student who is the spouse or dependent of a person called to active military service is entitled to the same consideration.

To receive a refund and initiate the withdrawal process, eligible students should complete a Withdrawal Form requesting a “Withdrawal for Military Service” along with a copy of the affected military person’s active duty orders or official letter of notice and submit them to the Office of the Registrar. A withdrawn student’s academic record will reflect that the withdrawal is due to active military service.

Students may alternatively choose to remain enrolled in some or all of their courses. In this case, the student may elect one of the following options:

Option 1: Request an Incomplete for some or all courses

Students may request a grade of incomplete in some, or all courses, and take a leave of absence from New College of Florida as of the effective date of the orders to report to active duty. The conditions for completing coursework must be agreed upon in writing by the student and the instructor of the course(s) in which the student is enrolled.

Option 2: Remain enrolled in classes for the current term

Upon agreement with instructors, students may make individual arrangements to complete courses early and prior to reporting for active duty. In these cases, courses are assigned the earned final designation by each instructor at the end of the term.

These options may not be equally viable for all classes, depending on the timing, how much work remains to be completed, whether a final exam constitutes a major portion of the grade, and so on. For these reasons, students are encouraged to consult with their instructors and faculty advisor.

Students do not have the option to withdraw from modular courses that have already been completed, nor can they withdraw from a course for which all work has already been completed/submitted.

Students released from active duty are eligible to return without a time limit imposed and should apply for readmission through the Student Academic Status Committee (SASC).