Academic Standing
New College students are considered to be in good academic standing as long as contract certification criteria are being met and Independent Study Projects (ISPs) satisfactorily completed. A student’s failure to complete contracts and ISPs satisfactorily will trigger automatic consequences resulting in Academic Probation or Academic Dismissal. In either of these cases, a notice will be sent from the Registrar to the student and contract sponsor.
Academic Probation
- One unsatisfactory contract or two unsatisfactory ISPs.
Students will be notified by the Registrar that they have fallen behind in the satisfactory completion of contracts and/or ISPs, that they are being placed on academic probation, and that their academic progress will be reviewed by the Student Academic Standing Committee (SASC) at the end of the probationary semester. Students may appeal their probation to the Registrar on procedural grounds only (i.e., in cases of error or misunderstanding). At the end of each semester, the Registrar will report to the SASC on all probationary students’ academic progress. Students on academic probation are expected to complete contract and ISP obligations satisfactorily and on time, and to demonstrate that they are once again progressing at an acceptable pace toward completion of degree requirements. Evidence of acceptable progress includes satisfactory evaluations of academic activities included on the semester contract and a satisfactory contract certification. Evaluations of “incomplete” and marginally satisfactory evaluations do not constitute such evidence. A probationary student demonstrating academic progress will be removed from probation and restored to good academic standing. A student who completes their contract satisfactorily but whose weak academic performance warrants further monitoring may have their probationary status extended for one semester. Failure to demonstrate acceptable progress will result in academic dismissal. In all cases the student will receive a notice from the SASC.
Academic Dismissal
- Two unsatisfactory contracts, which need not be consecutive.
- In any order, one unsatisfactory contract and two unsatisfactory ISPs; again, they need not be consecutive.
- One unsatisfactory contract, for students who were readmitted after having previously been dismissed.
Students whose academic progress has not met the required minimum standards described in the College’s academic policies will be automatically notified of their impending dismissal by the Registrar. Such notices are sent to the student and sponsor immediately upon determination of two unsatisfactory contracts or one unsatisfactory contract and two unsatisfactory ISPs.
A student who receives a notice of impending dismissal has the option of appealing the dismissal to the SASC. If the student chooses to appeal, the Registrar will schedule a meeting that includes the student, the faculty sponsor, and the SASC. After the dismissal appeal hearing, the SASC will make a recommendation to the Provost's Office, who will make the final decision on academic standing.