Academic Dishonesty and Disruption of Academic Process


Plagiarism is defined as “literary theft” and consists of the unattributed quotation of the exact words of a published text or computer generated content including but not limited to content derived from Generative AI programs and software, or the unattributed borrowing of original ideas by paraphrase from a published text or computer generated content. On written papers for which the student employs information gathered from books, articles, web sites, or oral sources each direct quotation, as well as ideas and facts that are not generally known to the public at large, or the form, structure, or style of a secondary source or computer generated content must be attributed to its author or program by means of the appropriate citation procedure. Only widely known facts and first-hand thoughts and observations original to the student, as well as original writing, do not require citations. Citations may be made in footnotes or within the body of the text. Plagiarism also consists of passing off as one’s own segments or the total of another person’s work or the unauthorized and uncredited use of computer generated content in lieu of one’s own original work.


Cheating is defined as including all of the following:

(a) the unauthorized granting or receiving of aid during the prescribed period of a course-graded exercise: students may not consult written materials such as notes or books, may not look at the writing of another student or content generated by a computer program, nor consult orally with any other student taking the same test;

(b) asking another person to take an examination in his/her place;

(c) taking an examination for or in place of another student;

(d) stealing visual concepts, such as drawings, sketches, diagrams, musical programs and scores, graphs, maps, etc., and presenting them as one’s own;

(e) stealing, borrowing, buying, or disseminating tests, answer keys or other examination material except as officially authorized, research papers, creative papers, speeches, etc.

(f) stealing or copying of computer programs and presenting them as one’s own. Such  stealing of computer programs includes the use of another student’s program or the use of a program that was itself generated by a computer program, as obtained from the magnetic media or interactive terminals or from cards, print-out paper, etc. Stealing of materials described in parts (d) and (e) includes materials generated by a computer program.